Initial data for
marketing research

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Railway transportation data

We offer our clients the statistics of cargo transportation by rail:

Information bases for railway transportation include information on the transported cargo, its volume, number of wagons, information on senders / recipients and their contact details, including telephones, addresses, e-mail, date of departure, place of departure and destination, for more details, follow the links above, select the country you are interested in.
Railway database. RZD traffic statistics

Let’s talk about marketing, statistics, analysis. I’ll start allegorically, “Oh thank God!” that we do not often have to go to doctors and it is very good that we perceive this appeal as a critical situation / last resort. Coming to the doctor, first of all, he will check your pulse and if his indicators are normal, then the doctor’s hope to get rid of you as soon as possible will fade away, and you will proceed to a further methodical study of the causes that led to your illness. This meeting, like the disease itself, could have been avoided by knowing in advance about the prerequisites that have arisen.

There is to accept the country’s economy as a single organism, that is, there is every reason to compare railways with its arteries both in terms of length and in terms of the importance of delivering the necessary elements of life, and the volume of their traffic is nothing more than its pulse – an indicator of health or an impending disease (according to ROSSTAT the market share of rail freight transportation for the main strategic cargoes that form the mineral fuel sector of the economy reaches an absolute value). Therefore, the marketing service of the company can be compared with a doctor conducting regular diagnostics of the selected sector of the economy, and us with the supplier of the necessary tool, which is the daily updated database of rail freight.

Examples of using the railway base:

  1. The ability to identify potential consumers / suppliers of your products by examining the supply chains from the sender to the recipient at established prices, to offer a more profitable partnership using your advantageous location or untapped production capacity.
  2. Having a database of railway transportation, you can track the activity of competitors on a daily basis, and using retrospective data, track the dynamics of the development of the market you are interested in as a whole.
  3. Since 2009, ROSSTAT has closed data on production by enterprises (this information is available upon request). We also offer an alternative obvious solution – to accept the shipments of enterprises as a value equal to their production volume. True, it is effective only for those sectors of the economy that are sufficiently monopolized and whose freight turnover is carried out only by rail. It is indicative that in some cases the volumes of shipments of such enterprises are higher* (only stable indicators of shipments over a long period are analyzed) than those that are transferred by this enterprise to ROSSTAT through official statistical reporting channels. But this is the subject of analysis.

Our advantages:

  1. If other companies have supplied you with data, grouped indicators in different presentations, drawn a dynamic chart with undulating peak/decay points and other illustrated elements, this is all just statistics. We go further, answer the question – why ?! Why there was a surge or subsidence of the market at one time or another in detail to each enterprise, using their financial statements, structural changes in production and shareholding plans, as well as current trends prevailing in the market at a given moment (demand, consumption, producer prices, construction of new objects) and this is an analysis! For this, all sources of information available to us (ROSSTAT, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, UKRMINSTAT, the Federal Customs Service and others) will be used.
  2. Even if you ordered traffic statistics from us for 1 month, we will provide free monthly dynamics with a depth of 1 year for senders, recipients, regions, countries. Accordingly, if the time period you ordered is 1 year, we add retrospective indicators for 3 years.
  3. Before ordering and paying, we can send all your railway waybills in order to be able to verify the completeness and correctness of the proposed data by our own example. We display preliminary statistics on the requested information indicating the number of rolling stock units passed for a given period of time, the number of senders / recipients, as well as the final volumetric indicators. Including if after the delivery of the data you do not find at least one railway invoice, we will refund the money in 100 percent. volume.
  4. The data supplied by us uses the attached databases of ROSSTAT with the inclusion of contact details of Russian companies (telephones, full names of managers, ares, www, e-mail and many others. See examples)
  5. All data is supplied on a contractual basis with the execution of all accounting documents and sending them both by registered mail and in scanned form by e-mail.


  • FEA data of China, USA, India updated according to
  • RZD and Ukrzaleznits data updated according to
  • FEA data of Uzbekistan updated according to
  • Data on the production of products in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan updated according to
  • FEA data of Moldova and Kyrgyzstan updated according to