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Production statistics


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Production statistics. Analysis of the volume of industrial production and sales

We bring to your attention statistical data on the production of products for the following countries:

  1.  Statistics of production in the Russian Federation from 2003 to 2014 and large-scale production in Russia
  2. Current production statistics of the Russian Federation
  3. Production statistics in Ukraine
  4. Kazakhstan production statistics
  5. Chinese production statistics

Statistics of production in the country you are interested in, its dynamics, detailing for each enterprise based on data from Rosstat, the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics. This statistics will allow you to objectively assess the competitiveness of companies, determine the shares of enterprises in the market using data from primary sources!

Marketing research based on production statistics by enterprises/regions.

Research conducted by the marketing departments of companies involves working with statistical data on the production of products. Production statistics data can be compared with customs statistics for a more in-depth analysis. With the help of the research that you will conduct on the reports provided by our company, it is possible to obtain a detailed overview of the production volume of a commodity item for each similar enterprise and identify the factors that influence the occurrence of contradictions in the statistical data. Namely, production statistics provide an opportunity for an in-depth analysis of the activities of companies. Determination of steps to improve sales efficiency and reduce the cost of producing unclaimed products. Reports on production statistics broken down by enterprises/regions make it possible to identify the main trends in increasing/decreasing output, both in regional markets and in Russia as a whole. Such detailed data minimizes risks when drawing up a marketing plan for an enterprise in the future of development and increase in influence in market segments.

Analysis of production by enterprises

When ordering production statistics for commodity items, you get the opportunity to analyze large-scale production for a month or a year. The volume and intensity of output, according to the statistics of production at enterprises, as a rule, give a clear picture of the state of the market for a certain period. Tracking the dynamics of production, which may be seasonal or change depending on some factors, guarantees the formation of an accurate analysis of the current situation and the preparation of a long-term forecast. The report on production in Russia is one of the most important sources of information for marketing research of market segments and determining the economic prerequisites for the development of your own company. Using information of a marketing nature, you get the result, which can characterize the dynamics and capacity of the market, the volume of products manufactured by competitors and the ranking of companies by market share. When comparing data on production by enterprises for several years, it is possible to determine the growth rate in individual commodity items, which indicates an increase in sales. The purpose of the analysis, which is carried out according to the report, is to identify patterns of increase / decrease in production, trends towards the transition to the production of new types of products. And, therefore, marketing departments can more effectively determine the path of development of their own enterprise. which indicates an increase in sales. The purpose of the analysis, which is carried out according to the report, is to identify patterns of increase / decrease in production, trends towards the transition to the production of new types of products. And, therefore, marketing departments can more effectively determine the path of development of their own enterprise. which indicates an increase in sales. The purpose of the analysis, which is carried out according to the report, is to identify patterns of increase / decrease in production, trends towards the transition to the production of new types of products. And, therefore, marketing departments can more effectively determine the path of development of their own enterprise.

Analysis of competitors in research on production statistics.

The competitiveness of enterprises is determined not only by the volume of production in the selected segment, but also by the success of sales of goods. Comparing our company’s reports on production by enterprises and customs statistics, you operate complex data, studying direct and indirect competitors, as well as identifying future market participants. It is the systematic receipt of reports that allows you to identify the main players and further deepen the marketing research of your own advantages over other companies. Without this stage of assessing the indicators that determine the nature of the activities of enterprises, it is impossible to draw up your own promotion strategy. Recently, in the marketing research of companies, the study of the level of production has the exclusive status of mandatory procedures for the preparation of long-term plans.

The most important competitive indicator is the market share that the company occupies and the task of any marketing strategy is to develop an action plan to increase the sphere of influence in the market segment.

Indicators contained in the reports.

The data contained in our reports contain information on the name and quantitative characteristics of the manufactured products in the sample by enterprises. In a tabular form, the addresses of companies, the full name of the head, contact details and e-mail are presented. Based on the data obtained, you will be able to study in more detail the activities of the selected enterprise, for example, in production in 2017, using also other sources of statistical collection. Including in-depth analyzes of the foreign economic activity of enterprises, performed by the specialists of our company. The official statistical offices have closed for general use data on production by enterprise, however, our company is able to obtain this detailed information and, based on it, provide its customers with full informative reports. Knowing the statistics on the production of the products you are interested in, broken down by enterprises and sorted by revenue, it is easy to build rating lists of organizations for which you can conduct your advertising campaign.


  • FEA data of China, USA, India updated according to
  • RZD and Ukrzaleznits data updated according to
  • FEA data of Uzbekistan updated according to
  • Data on the production of products in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan updated according to
  • FEA data of Moldova and Kyrgyzstan updated according to